HSH and Bitfocus are excited to share that the newest HUD Data Standards have been released. Every two years, HUD updates the data standards, working to ensure that the fields in HMIS systems across the country are capturing the most relevant information.
Read on or watch this training video to learn more about how the 2024 HMIS Data Standards will impact the ONE System:
Click here for presentation slides shown in video.
Client Centered Changes
Sometimes these changes are purely technical and do not impact end users. This year, some exciting changes help to make several areas in the ONE System more client-centered. Most notably, HUD has merged the race and ethnicity fields into a single field. This will allow people who identify their race or ethnicity as Hispanic/Latina/e/o will be able to identify it as such. Further, a race/ethnicity category for Middle Eastern/North African has been added, allowing clients to choose the identity that best fits them. The gender options have also been updated, better aligning with the language that we know clients in our community use to identify themselves. Please click here for more information.
Additionally, ‘client refused to answer’ will now be reworded to read as ‘client prefers not to answer’.
Other ways to ensure client-centered practices
While we are excited to roll out some of these client-centered changes to the ONE System, we recognize there are other questions and fields required by HUD that are deeply personal and can be inherently challenging for people to answer. Client-centered practices can be applied through relationship building, allowing the client to lead the pace of the conversation, and ensuring a private space for safe conversation. For support or information on best practices on ensuring a client-centered approach, please contact your HSH program manager.
What else is changing?
There are a few back-end changes to the program setup information that will not impact what you see in the system. A few other fields have minor changes in the language or dropdown options. A few specific programs have more detailed changes, although none of them should pose any challenges or problems.
Changes worth noting:
These changes will go live on October 1st, 2023. HSH and Bitfocus will provide training and detailed information about the changes as that date draws closer. As a ONE System user, you will automatically see the changes in the system on October 1st and will only need to know how to work with them.
Updating internal databases
While these updates only require changes to the ONE system, individual agencies may choose to update their internal databases to align with the 2024 HUD standards. For detailed information, please review HUD's resources. Regardless of the specific fields that each provider chooses to use in any internal databases, each provider is responsible for completing all fields in ONE.
The ONE System is an online database that enables organizations to collect data on the services they provide to people experiencing homelessness and people who are at risk of homelessness.
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