Many San Francisco Homelessness Response System workers are now engaging remotely with new clients as a result of COVID-19 distancing measures. These workers include HSH employees or contractors providing services related to outreach, Access Points, shelters and Navigation Centers, Permanent Supportive Housing, and Housing Ladder programs.
These staff must follow two modified requirements in order to uphold client privacy while working remotely with new clients:
1. Give verbal notice to the client re. Release of Information documents.
NOTE: The COVID-19 Release of Information Process requires the client give meaningful verbal consent. Staff are required to review the content of the Releases of Information with the individual and offer to provide a written copy.
2. Upload the Release of Information in the ONE System, with it noted on the document that verbal consent was obtained and that the document could not be signed due to COVID-19 distancing measures.
3. All other policies and procedures related to administering the Primary Assessment or providing any other Homelessness Response System services remain unchanged. HSH and our partners recommend that people experiencing homelessness utilize Access Point services via phone to the maximum extent possible, for the duration of the Shelter-in-Place Directive.
The ONE System is an online database that enables organizations to collect data on the services they provide to people experiencing homelessness and people who are at risk of homelessness.
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